Relational Trauma and Attachment Injuries
“I am so lonely. No one in my life actually knows the real me. I’m afraid that if I showed them who I truly am, they wouldn’t want to be around me anymore.”
“People can’t be trusted. They will always hurt or disappoint me.”
“I have to do everything by myself. I am the only person that I know I can count on. Relying on others just sets me up for failure.”
If this feels like you, you may be struggling with the aftermath of relational trauma.
Relational trauma occurs when you are hurt by the people you are supposed to be able to love, rely on, and feel attached to. Trauma of any kind is devastating, but it has lifelong consequences when it comes from your parents, intimate partners, and other caregivers. Regardless of who you were hurt by, trauma from relationships can have a deep and profound impact on our ability to build the kinds of connection that we want with others in our lives.
It feels lonely and exhausting to keep your emotional distance from others. It is human nature to want people around who love and accept us for who we are, but building those relationships when we have been hurt in the past can feel terrifying.
Together, we will work to identify the ways in which your past relationships have impacted your ability to relate to others, and help you to cultivate the kinds of relationships that you deserve in your life.